At EPS, we believe it is essential for our
students to build a strong foundation in all areas of the
mathematics curriculum to equip them with the skills, knowledge
and behaviours upon which further learning and professional
applications of mathematics are built. Focus is given to
communication, collaboration, critical and creative thinking, all
vital for preparing our students for their future lives.
Our rich mathematics program consists of dedicated numeracy
lessons each week, blended, where possible, with our Inquiry
Learning. This enables explicit instruction of skills in
mathematics alongside the opportunity to then use these skills in
authentic ways to deepen learning. The use of hands on materials,
games, open-ended tasks, investigations, rich tasks, collaboration
and discussion of solution strategies, mental computation and
visualisation enable students to grasp increasingly complex
theoretical concepts.
Curriculum coaching forms a strong component of the school's
professional learning program with the leading teachers working to
support improved teaching practice based on evidence.
Our whole school approach to teaching mathematics ensures students
are stimulated and challenged by engaging in meaningful and
authentic learning.
Daily lessons with teacher modelling of different mathematical
strategies ensure students become numerate whilst gaining an
appreciation and enjoyment of mathematics and see themselves as
The Maths curriculum is organised by the three strands of Number
and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and
Probability. These content areas are taught through a structured
approach that incorporates problem solving and an application of
mathematics skills to develop knowledge and deep understandings.
1. Number and Algebra - Number and
Algebra are developed together, and each enriches the study of the
other. The focus is on developing number sense and an
understanding of counting, patterns, place value, fractions and
decimals and the connections between operations. Students develop
and apply a range of strategies for computation and conduct
investigations, solve problems and communicate their reasoning.
2. Measurement and Geometry - Focuses on developing an understanding of size, shape, relative position and movement of two-dimensional figures in the plane and three-dimensional objects in space. Students make meaningful measurements of quantities, choosing appropriate metric units of measurement including; length, area, perimeter, time, volume and capacity. They study the properties of shapes and the relationships between shapes and measurement. Students begin to build an understanding of the connections between units and calculate derived measures such as area, speed and density.
3. Statistics and Probability - Develops
initially in parallel, this strand focuses on building
understandings about how to create, display and interpret data and
developing an understanding of chance and how it can influence the
outcome of events. Students undertake purposeful investigations
involving the collection and interpretation of data. They develop
their ability to evaluate chance and data concepts and make
reasoned judgments and decisions, as well as building skills to
critically evaluate statistical information and develop intuitions
about data.
Learning in Mathematics
At EPS, our mathematics teaching and learning focuses on
developing increasingly sophisticated and refined mathematical
understanding, fluency, modelling and problem-solving and
reasoning as these proficiencies are fundamental to learning
mathematics and working mathematically and are applied across all
three strands Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and
Statistics and Probability.
Understanding refers to students building a
robust knowledge of adaptable and transferable mathematical
concepts and structures. Students make connections between related
concepts and progressively apply the familiar to develop new
ideas. They develop an understanding of the relationship between
the 'why' and the 'how' of mathematics.
Fluency describes students developing
skills in choosing appropriate procedures, carrying out procedures
flexibly, accurately, efficiently and appropriately, and recalling
factual knowledge and concepts readily.
Problem-solving is the ability of
students to make choices, interpret, formulate, model and
investigate problem situations, select and use technological
functions and communicate solutions effectively.
Reasoning refers to students developing
an increasingly sophisticated capacity for logical, statistical
and probabilistic thinking and actions, such as conjecturing,
hypothesising, analysing, proving, evaluating, explaining,
inferring, justifying, refuting, abstracting and generalising.
The mathematical understanding of every student is continually
monitored and assessed to ensure students are taught at their
point of need. Teachers use a range of assessment tools including
observations, small groups, individual conferencing, online
assessments, open-ended activities and developmental checklists to
ensure the teaching program meets students’ needs and challenges
them at an appropriate level.
Our Maths Curriculum is greatly enhanced by our Maths Masters
Maths Masters
The purpose of the Maths Masters program is to focus teaching and
learning on the really important concepts in Number (the BIG
Ideas) and to help our students develop number sense and number
fluency. The program is informed by the research of Professor
Dianne Siemon from RMIT University, and is designed to complement
our existing rich maths curriculum.
- Help us to develop general number sense or 'fluidity and flexibility with numbers,' (Gersten & Chard, 2001).
- Are the foundation understandings/skills for many other mathematical concepts
- Help us to make connections between mathematical ideas
- Teach us to use our brain in different ways
For further information on Professor Siemon's Big Ideas in Number please go to:
In addition, we celebrate The EPS Potato Olympics!

The Potato Olympics is an annual fantastic, fun event at EPS. Each student from Prep to Year 6 have their own potato - or Pot-athlete, as we like to call them - that they prepare for entry into specially designed Potato Olympic events. Students measure their potatoes in various ways to create Pot-athlete profiles. They keep track of their Pot-athlete's performance in the Potato Olympics events. All this measurement produces data, which students display, analyse and report on.
Extension and enrichment programs include:
The Australian Mathematics Competition
The Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC) was introduced in Australia in 1978 as the first Australia-wide mathematics competition for students. It has since spread internationally, with students in more than 30 countries attempting the same problems. In recent years the competition has been available in two formats (online and paper), allowing even more students to participate worldwide.
Year 4, 5 and 6 Year 5 State-wide Maths Games Days
The Maths Games is designed to provide students with an opportunity to learn and develop valuable maths problem solving skills, while offering enjoyment and an appreciation of maths.
APSMO Maths Olympiad
Students from Grades 3 to 6 can take part in the APSMO Maths Olympiad. Our students will put their talent to the test by competing alongside thousands of other students around Australia and New Zealand in this year's problem solving competition.
The annual APSMO Maths Olympiad consists of a series of 5 separate contests, one per month from May to September.
We encourage parents and carers to support their child or children's mathematical develop through homework activities and participation in activities such as The Victorian Maths Challenge.