Strategic Reports & Plans

As part of the Improvement Cycle, Victorian government schools undertake a review, every four years to provide an independent analysis of the school's performance against the goals and targets in their school strategic plan and to create a self-sustaining cycle to improve student outcomes in the future. 2022 was the year of our School Review. The review process was rigorous and helped to identify the right areas of focus for the next strategic period. In Term 4, as a result of the outcome of the Review process, time was spent with staff to unpack the Vision, Mission and Objectives statement and to identify priority areas for future Annual Implementation Plans.

Through this rigorous process we were able to identify the Dimensions in the Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO 2.0) that are strengths and areas of focus.

Strengths identified include:
* Strategic resource management is aligned with our Annual Implementation Plan and teacher Professional Development Plans.
* The Essendon Primary School Vision, Mission and Values statements have been identified and the school is beginning to embed them in our daily practice.
* Essendon Primary School has a strong culture of collaboration, building trust and a collective belief and commitment that all students achieve 12 months growth in 12 months.
* Pedagogy coaches provide whole school evidence based professional learning and work closely with PLT supporting teachers.
* Leadership provides ongoing opportunities for staff professional development and promoting potential leaders. Leadership supports the PLC Inquiry Cycle of improvement by allocating time and resources.
* The Assistant Principal and staff work closely to implement strategies in addressing barriers that impact student engagement.  Plans are created and are implemented to support those 'at risk'. The Assistant Principal and staff are highly supportive of student well-being.
* The Positive Behaviour Support program has a dedicated Professional Learning Team. The Essendon Primary School Behaviour Matrix has been reviewed and reflects the Essendon Primary School learning environment. All teachers contribute to maintaining a safe, respectful and inclusive learning environment.
* Essendon Primary School is seen as a community resource being a base for programs such as soccer, netball teams, Out of School Hours Care. We have established links and partnerships with many community members and groups.

Considerations for 2023 include:

Our priority for 2023, along with the Department of Education and Training priority goals is to strengthen students’ participation and engagement in school through student voice, agency and leadership by embedding an agreed schoolwide understanding and approach to student voice and agency.

Support both those who need extra support and those who have thrived to continue to extend their learning, especially in numeracy
Implement the Tutor Learning Initiative (TLI) to establish a targeted support program for students
Implement MiniLit & MacqLit intervention programs across the school

Wellbeing -
Effectively mobilise available resources to support students' wellbeing and mental health, especially the most vulnerable
Strengthen and embed the whole school approaches to School Wide Positive Behaviour Support, Restorative Practices, Circle Time, Zones of Regulation and Respectful Relationships

Differentiate student learning to ensure there is academic challenge and teaching is at each student’s point of need and increase student voice, agency and leadership in their learning, the classroom and school life.

We are currently in the process of implementing the 2023 Annual Implementation Plan of the 2022-2026 School Strategic Plan.

2022 - 2026 School Strategic Plan

2023 Annual Implementation Plan

2022 Annual Report

2022 Annual Implementation Plan

2021 Annual Report

2021 Annual Implementation Plan
